Genealogy Research

Want to know more about your family heritage?
  • Genealogy Research for Specific Goals: Whether you’re aiming to trace your lineage back to a specific ancestor or overcome a challenging brick wall in your research, I’m here to help. I will work closely with you to achieve your desired outcomes.

  • Confirm Existing Family Trees: Have you been conducting your own research but need validation or assistance in expanding your family tree? I can review your existing family tree and provide insights, corrections, and additional branches to enrich your genealogical records.

  • Transcription or Translation of Old Documents: Do you have old family documents written in a language you can’t understand or in handwriting that’s difficult to decipher? Let me take care of it. I can transcribe and translate old documents, (both UK and Belgian) ensuring that you can unlock the valuable information they contain.

  • Archive Lookup: Based in Belgium, I’m ideally placed to access archives across the country I can help with planning visits, pre-ordering readers cards and documents and offer accompanied visits. .